null Message of the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights of Hungary on the Day of the Hungarian Prison Service

As per the invitation of Lieutenant General Dr. Tamás Tóth, Director General of the Hungarian Prison Service, Commissioner for Fundamental Rights of Hungary Dr. Ákos Kozma participated in the annual general briefing and awards ceremony in honour of the patron saint of the Hungarian Prison Service, Saint Adrian, which took place in the Ministry of Interior on 6 September, 2024. During the event, Minister of Interior Dr. Sándor Pintér acknowledged the exemplary fulfilment of service-related duties and rewarded several staff members for their professional conduct.


The legacy of St. Adrian, a former Roman imperial guard-turned martyr, has been commemorated every 8th day of September, since 1996. This day, let us pledge our gratitude and respect to those staff members who honour the legacy of Saint Adrian by performing their daily duties according to the chief virtues the life of the former legionnaire symbolizes and remain dedicated in their quest to ensure the safety of us all. 

The Commissioner for Fundamental Rights of Hungary wishes a fruitful anniversary, health and professional success to all who serve the Hungarian Prison Service.